Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Self Identity 3: Bayu Utomo Radjikin

Bayu Utomo Radjikin, Lang Kacang, 1991, Mixed Media

What you need to know about Bayu Utomo Radjikin:

  • In 1989 joined the artist group, MATAHATI. They had a great impact on the Malaysian art scene addressing controversial themes and pushing the boundaries of what defines "fine art".
  • Work contains a lot of Post-Modernist traits.
What is Post-Modernism?
  • Made big in the 80's, Post-Modernism encompasses visual art that criticized society.
  • Work that is anti-corporate, a critique of the institutions, is mass-media.
  • Ethical touchstone: Relativism -- the belief that no society or culture is more important than any other. Not unusual for Post-Modernist artists to use their art to explore and undermine the way society imposes traditional hierarchies and cultural values and meanings.
This artwork reflects the fact that the traditional culture from Malaysia is being abandoned.

The sculpture is in the shape of a warrior: traditionally, warriors fight for their country, whether they agree with the cause or leadership, or not.

Please answer the following questions:
1. What about the sculpture (physical attributes) reflects the fact that the traditional culture is being abandoned?
2. Why is this work classified as Post-Modern?
3. Please DESCRIBE the artwork.

Use this as a guide for DESCRIBING SCULPTURES

  • What is the artwork an image OF? (What are the identifiable things IN the artwork?)
  • Has anything been EXAGGERATED or OMITTED from the artwork?
  • What is the artwork made OF
  • Where are the materials located ON the artwork?
  • Can you walk around the work?
  • Does it have a base?
  • What is the POSITIONING of the artwork?
  • What COLORS are used & what do they look like? (bright, dull, earth tones, etc)
  • What is the TEXTURE of the work?
  • Where is the POSITIVE and NEGATIVE space?
  • What style or movement was the artist a part of?
You can use point form in your answer if you wish :)

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